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5 perfect wine pairings for Spring

by The Cheeky Vino

Although this year has felt like it has been about 20 years long, I still cannot believe Spring is finally here. Spring has to be my favourite time of year in Brisbane. It is still cool enough (just) to not sweat before 10 am, and you can still go outside in the middle of the day without dying. It’s that great time of year just before Christmas where everyone starts to get excited. There are more social events too, thanks to the easing of restrictions! So to celebrate Spring, I thought it would be good to share my thoughts on 5 perfect wine pairings for Spring.

There are so many fun activities that come with the weather warming up. Everyone is getting out of hibernation, and there is a certain buzz in the air. The only thing that could make Spring any better is drinking some great wine! So let’s dive into some of my favourite Spring activities, and the wine variety I think would go best with it.

Long lunches and Rosé

5 perfect wine pairings for Spring

Via Giphy

There are no surprises that the first cab off the rank for me is a nice long lunch and a  Rosé. To be honest, I’d drink  Rosé all day every day of Spring (and most of the year) if I could. But there is something about enjoying a nice long lunch with friends with a glass of Rosé in hand that just screams Spring to me. It isn’t too hot to be out in the sunshine, and so the lunch can go well into the afternoon. I’ve already partaken in many the long lunch this year where the Rosé has been consumed by the bottles, and I plan to continue this trend well into Summer!

There is something about Rosé which always makes it a crowd-pleaser. It lends itself to so many flavours and is sure to get everyone into good spirits. It can be hard sometimes to find a wine that everyone enjoys (some people love Chardonnay, some people hate it), but Rosé seems to bring the people together! I think it should be named the Spring drink of choice if I’m honest! Bring on the long lunches, great food and even better Rosé!

Beach trips and Prosecco

5 perfect wine pairings for Spring

Via Giphy

Springtime means that the water starts heating up and heading back to the beach is in sight. In Winter it isn’t quite as pleasant, and in Summer I can’t go sit on the beach past 10 am without a lot of sun protection (even then I still get burnt). So Spring for me is the perfect time to enjoy the beach. And what is a more perfect wine pairing for Spring than the beach and prosecco?

I know what you’re thinking – the logistics. You can’t put the cap back on, it might go everywhere, where do I get the glasses from? You know what, I totally get it. But there are not many things more refreshing than a glass of Prosecco, and I can’t think of a better pairing for the beach than having a glass of this crisp and refreshing drink in hand. Plus, it makes you feel like it’s a bit special. We can’t go away at the moment, so going to the beach needs to feel like a vacation! A glass of bubbles is sure to lift your beach trip to the next level. Just sit back, sip and dream you are in the Maldives.

Picnics in the park and Pinot Grigio

Via Giphy

I am a huge fan of picnics, especially because it means I can bring my dog along. What’s not to love? A bit of nature, cheese, snacks, friends and sunshine. Oh, and some good wine! This is a great Springtime activity. You can enjoy the freshly blooming flowers, sit back and relax, and hopefully enjoy some good wine too! When it comes to the perfect wine pairings for Spring, I feel that picnics and Pinot Grigio make a great match.

I am not the biggest white wine drinker, but I can certainly get behind a nice Pinot Grigio on a warmer day. It is crisp and refreshing all while being easy drinking. The perfect combination for a picnic if you ask me! Bonus points if you don’t drive, because with a glass of this in hand you might find you finish a few too many glasses! It’s all too easy to polish off a bottle while you sit back and enjoy the sunshine on your picnic blanket!

Balmy dinners and chilled Grenache or Pinot Noir

Via Giphy

Don’t fret red wine drinkers, because there are still plenty of good reasons to enjoy a glass or two of red. With the weather warming up, the days get longer and the nights warmer. You might still feel like red wine but it could be a little too warm. That’s where our mates Grenache and Pinot Noir step in, making them the perfect red wines for Spring.

There are two reasons for this. The first is that they are traditionally lighter styles of red wine. You don’t really want to have anything too heavy if you’re sweating through dinner, and Pinot Noir and Grenache are great for warmer weather. But the beauty of these red wines is that they can also be slightly chilled. It’s like getting the best of both worlds! You’ll feel refreshed drinking some delicious red wine.

Because of this, chilled Grenache and Pinot Noir are perfect options for a Spring dinner. Still heavy enough to be paired with food, but light enough to keep you refreshed. If they are perfect wine pairings for Spring I don’t know what is!

Afternoon drinks and Sparkling wine

Via Giphy

My final favourite activity in Spring is afternoon drinks. We often have people over for board games or dinner, but it is great to start the evening off with an afternoon drink watching the sunset. Or, an afternoon drink is great on a Friday afternoon to finish off the workweek. Especially now that many of us are working from home! With the sun setting later in Spring, it’s the perfect time to enjoy an afternoon wine to relax and get ready for the night ahead.

So what is the perfect wine pairing for this? Well, to be there’s nothing better than Sparkling wine of your choice. Feeling something fancy? Opt for a Champagne. On a budget? Choose a Cava or Prosecco. Wanting to drink something Aussie? There are so many great Sparkling Wines to try! I can’t think of a better pairing than watching the sunset with a glass of bubbles in hand. You can celebrate the end of a workweek, or start your night off with a bang!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these perfect wine pairings for Spring

When it comes to Spring, I’ve realised a lot of my activities revolve around food and drinking. But that’s ok! Spring is made for celebrating – there is so much to enjoy and look forward to! Longer days, warmer weather, Christmas on the horizon. What’s not to love? And what better way to celebrate than with a wine in hand? I hope these 5 perfect wine pairings for Spring have inspired you to get on out there (if you can, otherwise sip at home and put some tropical music on) and enjoy this great time of year.

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